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Americans have about a 40% chance of developing cancer at some point in their lives. The Georgia Mountains YMCA offers a completely subsidized Livestrong at the YMCA program twice a year for cancer survivors, allowing them to reclaim their strength and build a community of physical, mental, and emotional support.
Safety Around Water
Drowning is the 2nd leading cause of death for children. 60% of incidents happen within 10 feet of safety. 88% of drownings happen with an adult present. The Georgia Mountains YMCA partners with Hall County Schools through the YMCA Safety Around Water program. By integrating these skills into students' school day, we help remove financial, transportation, and scheduling barriers so that every child has access to these important life-saving swim skills.
Community & Financial Assistance
50.2% of Hall families are not financially
self-sufficient. Increased food and
housing costs put underprivileged
families at severe financial risk.
The Y gives away over $500,000 every
year in subsidized memberships,
programs, and services so that we can
be accessible to all families.
Childcare & Education
45% of students in Hall County are below
reading level by 3rd Grade, making them
four times more likely to drop out.
To provide childcare options for working
parents and to promote student success,
the Y operates 20 afterschool sites and
2 early learning centers.
Community Health & Wellness
Hall County outranks the state average
across most chronic health conditions
including obesity, heart disease, high
cholesterol, and diabetes.
To provide access to healthy lifestyles,
the J.A. Walters Family YMCA provides
support to the entire community.
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