2024 Spring Soccer
The YMCA Youth Soccer Program is a progressive
program, with multiple age-specific levels. Every
child gets to play, and the games are safe, exciting and
fun. We encourage fair play, positive competition, and
family involvement. Players will receive a uniform. Each player
is required to wear shin guards at every practice and game.
We emphasize Working Hard, Having Fun, and Being Kind.
Little Kickers: A 6-week developmental program for children
2-3 years old. One practice will be held per week. This league is designed to begin developing the fundamental skills needed to play soccer thru age-appropriate drills, exercises, and play. There are no official games.
Just 4 Kicks: Our new 11-week developmental program designed to bridge the gap between Little Kickers and U6 soccer. One practice will be held per week. We will utilize age-appropriate drills, games, and scrimmages to prepare your child for the next level. There are no official games.
U6/U8/U10: 11-week recreational soccer programs for children 5-10 years old.
One practice will be held per week. Games will start Saturday, April 20th. This league is designed to continue the development of a child’s soccer skills. We emphasize working hard, having fun, and being kind.